Coming To The Aid Of A Fellow Veteran. 15791
Coming To The Aid Of A Fellow Veteran. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
One of our council fourth degree members answered the call from a brother Veteran in his neighborhood during the months of July through September, 2018. During July he was approached by this brother Veterans grand-son and asked if he might have the time to transport his grandfather to Togus Hospital for his medical appointments during the months of July through September? Due to having major surgery during late June he was unable to drive, thus he would not be able to make his doctor’s appointments. Looking at my calendar and talking it over with my wife, they were able to move some appointments around so he could help our fellow brother veteran out in HIS time of need. Being a Viet-Nam Era veteran myself, I know how much he and his grand-son appreciated our help. Now that we are into October and his medical condition has improved enough to let our Veteran Brother drive again, he is looking forward to once again driving himself to his appointments to Togus. Helping those in need is job one when it come to being a Knight of Columbus and a Catholic. Thanks Be To GOD.
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