Communicating With Our Seminarians During The Advent Season. 15791

Communicating With Our Seminarians During The Advent Season. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Two council brothers, and our two council Seminarians participated this year in our council’s 5th year of exchanging Advent cards and letters during the month of December 2018 from our Parish Worship Sites and Private Homes. As in the last 5 years our Council Seminarian Director, and Council Chancellor provided each of our council members the mailing address of our two Seminarians and encouraged all of them and their families, to send a card of Blessing to the Seminarians during the Advent season. Our Council Seminarian Director has also sent out birthday cards along with our council members. This year two birthday cards were passed around at the November Business Meeting and all present signed them. It is very important to keep connected with the Seminarians and send them well wishes and prayers as they stride to become a Priest of the future. GOD Bless them both.

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