Council Calendar Set-Up Workshop. 15791

Council Calendar Set-Up Workshop. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Three council officers and the council program director gathered to layout the 2020-2021 Meeting and Program calendar within our homes on 6-19 threw 6 22,2020. With our council members changing seats for 2020-2021, it was important to gather for this workshop. This council Meeting and Program tool is a very important way to start their terms as the Council Newly Appointed Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight, and the “Faith in Action” Program Director. Without this calendar the council leaders and members would have a difficult time in achieving their 2020-2021 goals. As this councils Program Director I will be working very closely in helping them and the council achieve their goals. GOD Bless those Knights of Columbus Officers, and Council Members, for getting started on the right foot, as a true Knight of Columbus.

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