Council July Social Program Presented By a Council Brother. 15791

Council July Social Program Presented By a Council Brother. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Council members, some wives, and Parishioners attended the July 6 social evening program at Holy Martyrs’ Church in Falmouth. Our Council Brother Joseph Moreshead presented this evening’s program. In 2016 Brother Joseph applied for the Portland Diocese and was a seminarian for 4 years through 2020. In 2017 through 2020 Joe was discerning his call to religious life. In 2020, after Br. Joseph left the seminary, Fr Patrick Finn spoke with him about the Missionary Program at Saint Mary of Redford in Detroit with the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit. This Missionary Program would be a good steppingstone toward becoming a Friar. So, after applying for this program, he was accepted. He worked for one year with another candidate in achieving many goals for the Friars of the Missionary. Brother Josephs residence while at Saint Mary of Redford was in a room off the bell tower. Saint Mary of Redford was built during the 1850’s. At its height in the 1960’s, the church had some 10,000 parishioners who attended Mass each Sunday. In order to serve 10,000 people, there were between 9 and 11 masses on the weekend. Now days the church has only 2 masses and serves 110 or so. Currently today there are 11 Active Friars and 4 of the Friar Brothers are in study. Brother Joseph’s duties were many. He was their RCIA Teacher, he built a website for the missionaries, served, and also taught Marriage Preparation. During 2021 Brother Joseph applied for admission to the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit in Phoenix Arizona. The location of the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit is on the Gila Indian Reservation with the Pima Indians. If accepted, it will be two years until Br. Joseph takes simple vows and at least another three before taking perpetual vows. During and following the program, there were plenty of questions and Brother Joseph was able to answer each one with no problem. Council 15791 also provided the refreshments for the evening gathering. As a council member Brother Joseph Moreshead will be in our prayers with hopes that he will be accepted to the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit on the entrance date of August 10 of this year. GOD is Good.

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