December Knight of the Month
December Knight of the Month
Council: 13861 - SANFORD
Project Description:
Knight of the Month
Our Knight of the Month for December has been a Knight for two years. Since joining our council he has actively supported many of our programs and fundraising events.
Romeo is a quiet man with a big heart and is always ready to help his Brother Knight.
When our council started a fundraiser to replace the church bells Romeo among the first Brother Knight to contribute to the cause. Once again, during the planning stages of our Meat Raffle Romeo contributed towards the expenses of the fundraiser.
Although he is still working, sometimes late nights, he faithfully attends and is an active participant of the That Man is You program. He was also among the first to arrive at Notre Dame to rake leaves, again, after working late the night before. It is Brother Knights of Columbus like Romeo that have made our council so successful.
Please join me in congratulating Romeo Zuniga, our Knight of the Month for Decembe
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