Decorate Churches for the Advent Season. 2017 15791

Decorate Churches for the Advent Season. 2017 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

In answer to the request from our Pastor and Deacon of the Parish of the Holy Eucharist once again this year myself and two other Brothers and our Family members set aside a number of hours along with a number of Parishioners from the Parish Churches to answer a request in helping decorate the Churches for the Advent Season. In union with our families and brothers and sisters in Christ myself and my Brothers once again put our best foot forward, in thanks to God in serving our Church and Pastor during this Advent Season. It was such a joy to see the eyes of the children, and the smiles on everyone’s face. We enjoyed the fellowship of this event and look forward to next Christmas when hopefully we can do it again.

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