Decorating the Church for Christmas

Decorating the Church for Christmas


Council: 13861 - SANFORD

Project Description:

On 12/21/2020 five Brother Knights and five Daughters of Isabella met at Holy Family church to assemble the Creche, Christmas trees, and various decorations. The Brother Knights were responsible for the assembly of our 1/2 scale large Creche and trees. Once the Creche was assembled the Brother Knights drove to Notre Dame Church in Springvale to assemble the Creche and a Christmas Tree.
On 1/11/2021 everyone met at Holy Family Church to take down the creche, trees, and assorted decorations, sweep the altar and floor. We then drove to Notre Dame Church in Springvale to take down and store the Creche, tree. We swept and vacuumed the areas where the Creche was assembled and repositioned any statue that was moved.

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