Delivering the Eucharist and visiting an Elderly Brother Knight
Delivering the Eucharist and visiting an Elderly Brother Knight
Council: 10020 - No. WINDHAM
Project Description:
In April of 2019 a Brother Knight from Council 10020 was asked by the daughter of an elderly Brother Knight from Council 2219 if he would keep a check on her father and possibly bring the Eucharist to him while he spends his summer at a camp on Raymond Pond in Raymond, ME 04071. Since this Brother Knight lives just about a mile away from the camp both he and his wife were eager to consent to the request. Help was requested as family members or others could not stay with him during the week and sometimes weekends. Starting on the first weekend of May 2019, when the elderly Brother Knight was at camp, the Brother Knight from Council 10020 and his wife made weekly visits to bring him the Eucharist, have a prayer session and visit. When unable to visit contact was maintained via telephone. This small gesture by this Brother Knight and his wife brought great satisfaction to them as well as to the elderly Knight who is 84 years old.
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