Delta Drive
Delta Drive
Council: 11376 - BRIDGTON-FRYEBURG
Project Description:
Our Council conducted a comprehensive membership drive on February 8th & 9th at St. Joseph Church in Bridgton and St. Elizabeth Anne Seton in Fryeburg after the Masses. We distributed over 250 prayer cards and K of C membership application cards. We also compiled and distributed a four page pamphlet listing our current Officers, a brief description of the Knights current organization, listed our Council website and described 42 separate charitable activities in the past two years. Also listed were 51 Knights from the Council and 16 Fourth Degree Knights who are active in the Parishes and well known by the Parishioners and the name and phone number of our Membership Chairperson. Our Pastor, Fr. Ed Clifford, a recipient of our RSVP donation years ago when he was in Seminary, was most complimentary and supportive our membership drive. Unfortunately no new members were signed up but four individuals indicated that they will do so shortly. From a public relations standpoint, the Drive was very well received.
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