Drive-Thru Harvest Supper on 16 October 2022

Drive-Thru Harvest Supper on 16 October 2022


Council: 2851 - LIMESTONE

Project Description:

The Knights of Columbus, Ladies of St. Anne and the parishioners came together to coordinate the annual Harvest Supper. Coordination included creating flyers and distributing them in the communities of Limestone, Fort Fairfield, Presque Isle, Caribou, Caswell and Hamlin. It also included the complete donation of all food such as 100 lbs. of potatoes, 20 turkeys, canned carrots and green beans, dinner rolls with butter, and apple crips for dessert. The Knights purchased all plastic ware for the drive thru event and the Ladies and Knights cooked all food and packaged all food for distribution. Over 125 meals were served to drive thru customers. $2,100 was raised and a check was provided to our Parish Administrator on 30 October for the Fuel Fund.

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