Easter Sunday Mass Volunteer’s. 15791
Easter Sunday Mass Volunteer's. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Sixteen council brothers participated in this Easters celebration in support of our clergy. These volunteer’s worked on Easter Sunday April 21, 2019 in performing a number of different tasks to include readers, extraordinary ministers, singers in the choir’s, ushers, to collector’s. We have two holiday’s a year which takes many many volunteer’s to cover all the tasks which need to be done. These holidays are Easter and Christmas. Since the formation of our council over five years ago, it seems as though each year our council brothers are being asked to participate in more meetings, and assist in more area’s during masses, to include setting up and taking down. We are a brotherhood of Catholic men and families who play a part in improving the world around us. It is an exciting time to be in our great council and Order. With many hands helping from the first day of our Formation as a council, we have earned the “Triple Star Award” status for our many hours of service, charity, and support to the community. We volunteer our time to support our parish and community programs. It is an honor to serve our parish community and welcome new friends, and new brother knights. To be part of this holiday mass like Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday, are very rewarding and uplifting. “Jesus Christ Has Risen Today” .
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