Eight Annual Baby Shower

Eight Annual Baby Shower


Council: 10019 - LEWISTON

Project Description:

For our 8th annual baby shower, Grand Knight Brian Labrecque, with Life Program Director Gordon Davis, decorated the back of the church with balloons, ribbons, a playpen and easel, along with poster full of baby items. Parishioners were invited to make monetery, and with any baby items for donation. This effort was the focus for helping Hope House. The Hope House is a non-profit religious non-denominational organization providing neighborhood support to single mothers feeling trapped in poverty and seeking abortion of their unborn babies. The staff there provides free ultrasound screening (donated by Holy Family K. of C. and Maine Knights), in an effort to PEVENT ABORTIONS.

Four local councils were invited to participate in this year’s collection; Lewiston Council 106, Holy Family Council 10019, Our Lady of the Rosary Council 13181, Holy Cross Council 12652. Grand Knights worked together for several months to coordinate this event in their respective councils. The success of this year’s collection has been due to in no small part to the dedication of our knights who post at all entrances before and after both masses. Special thanks to brother knight Life Director Gordon Davis and his volunteers, for organizing this year’s curtailed, yet very succesful event.

The drive was scheduled for the weekends of March 14-15 and March 21-22, however the second weekend was cancelled due to the corona-19 pandemic. The first week council members were at the back of church and organized the collection of baby products. At the end the playpen was filled to overflowing, a sure sign of success due to the many generous parishioners in our community. Baby bottle banks were also setup for cash donations and they too were filled to the brim, collecting a total of $ 701. Judging from the response from parishioners this effort was a great success!

On May 13, all of the donated items and cash was delivered to Hope House director Bruce and Jan Wilson. They were overwhelmed with joy and appreciation for our charitable efforts to aid them in saving babies and families. Jan Wilson sang a song that she wrote for the occasion to thank the KofC, while playing her guitar. The event was concluded with a blessing of the knights, by volunteer workers of Hope House, in their native Nigerian and Samali language. Thanks be to GOD.

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