Enjoying Summer During the Covid-19 Pandemic 15791

Enjoying Summer During the Covid-19 Pandemic 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

One of our Council Brothers and his Family spent time washing a vehicle at their home on Tuesday July 28, 2020. Pushing children in jogging strollers, washing the car, athletic activities and swimming were just some of the ways Fort Leavenworth residents spent the day July 25.
Council Brother Lt. Col. Patrick VanKirk, an instructor in the Department of Sustainment and Force Management (formerly Department of Logistics and Resource Operations), Command and General Staff College, and his wife, Theresa, were helping their 8-year-old twin daughters Angelina and Isabella earn some extra money by washing their neighbor’s truck. “Even though the girls, have a ton of Legos, and they see all these other sets, and they’re like, ‘We don’t have that person yet,’ so we ask them, ‘How can you earn money to buy it?’” Theresa said. “We have a chore chart inside, which the children need to achieve each week. When their neighbor heard about their request, he walked up and asked the girls if they wanted to earn some money (washing his truck).” The girls and their parents were very happy he asked, and like their Knights of Columbus Sir Knight Dad and Mother were ready to step up to the challenge. This was a good experience for the girls, and now they have New Legos to add to their collection. Inspired by YouTube’s “Life in a Day 2020” documentary produced by Ridley Scott and directed Kevin Macdonald, Fort Leavenworth Lamp staff went exploring, to document what Fort Leavenworth residents were up to during the warm, summer Saturday. GOD is truly good to us all, in his own way.

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