Faith In Action As A Secular Franciscan. 15791
Faith In Action As A Secular Franciscan. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Myself and my wife participated in this years election and installation of Council Officers within the Sowers of the Word Fraternity. This year this event took place at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in the Church Hall on Sunday August 5, 2018. For my wife and I we have been Professed Members of this Fraternity since January 22, 2010. As a Secular Franciscan we have become stronger Catholic’s since joining this fraternity. Come September 6, 2018 we will be married 50 years. During these 50 years we have become very deep rooted in our Faith, by becoming devout Catholic’s and followers of Saint Francis. Yesterday we continued our walk in Our Faith by accepting the nomination as Council Officers in the Sowers of the Word Fraternity. We look forward to serving our council leaders, and Jesus once again for another term. We also look forward to working with our two Deacons who share their Spiritual support with us each time we meet. We pray to our LORD each day for continued guidance and support in our journey as a Secular Franciscan, and a Knights of Columbus Family.
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