Faith Program Planning for the New Fraternal Year. 15791
Faith Program Planning for the New Fraternal Year. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Our Council Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight met to discuss another segment of the New Faith In Action Program at our Deputy Grand Knights Home on Thursday August 9, 2018. As we approach a NEW business year, we as a council have many changes to look at. We hope with several of our council Officer seats being filled by new members, will bring to the table some new idea’s to raise funds for our council, so we can continue to run as many of the NEW Faith In Action Programs in support of our Parish, as well as old programs. Preparing for our first Council Officer Meeting of the 2018/2019 fraternal year is very important. Just like with any job, being in the Leadership position of a Knights of Columbus council means working together as a Team. Since being formed in 2013 our council officers have achieved many of their goals, while growing as stronger leaders, and sharing their talents with the membership of this council, and our District and State Officers. This fraternal year will be very different with all the many changes which Supreme and State has challenged all councils with. Keeping the Faith and Praying to GOD for guidance and wisdom, is very much needed in all we do. We have had a very busy and Blessed Summer, and we look forward to a busy and Blessed Fall, and working with our District Deputy and State Officers.
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