Family and Knight selection for November. 15791

Family and Knight selection for November. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

10 Brother Knights of Council 15791 were present in our meeting room, and Via Zoom on Tuesday 1 November 2022 for our November monthly Business Meeting. Because of the Covid-19 Virus, it was decided by our Grand Knight, to hold this month’s meeting via ZOOM, as well as in person. As part of the council business meeting, the Council Family Director made the announcement of the brothers who were selected for the month of November. The Knight of the Month Certificate was presented to Brother Luke Pluto. Brother Luck and Family have been members of the Knights of Columbus for 29 years. They are also members of Holy Martyr’s Church. Brother Luke is also a Sir Knight with Assembly 3215. Brother Luke has worked on many council programs since joining us. Our Family selected is Brother Stephen Carrier and Wife Cindy for the month of November. Brother Stephen and his Family have been members of our council since 2014. Brother Stephen is a Third Degree Member. Brother Stephen is an alternate Usher at the 4 PM Mass on Saturday at Saint Gregory’s Church. Brother Stephen’s wife Cindy is a homemaker. Cindy supports the rosary and adoration programs. Brother Stephen and son have participated in a number of programs this year for the Church and Council along with other Knights. Some of the programs and projects Brother Stephen and son have donated 120 hours of their free time. Cindy also does wellness phone calls to families to make sure they are doing ok or need any help. Brother Stephen is a Double Red Blood donor, and also works with other council members in support of the Red Cross. Both brothers selected for November are continually active both within the Church and the Community. We are very Blessed to have them as part of our council and Order. Thanks be to GOD.

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