Family of the Month for March 2021

Family of the Month for March 2021


Council: 13861 - SANFORD

Project Description:

The St. Thomas Council, Knights of Columbus, have chosen the family of Mark and Lori Hagharty as family of the month for March 2021.

Mark and Lori have been very active in the church for as long as they have lived in Maine. They recall the “not sure what he is saying” strong French accent that Father Neault had when they first arrived. Mark is always willing to lend a helping hand with whatever the church needs (Christmas set up, Role Playing John the Baptist, Disinfecting the pews) and Lori is a long time member of the Folk Group and has been singing with a church Folk Group since she was 13 years old. Mark (choir widower) is supportive not only of Lori but also their children Joseph, Katelyn and Peter. Joe works as an engineer at Casco Bay Molding and has been instrumental in bringing a couple of high school friends into the church along with his wife Victoria. They married at Holy Family Church and have Lucas who is 1 ½ and are expecting their 2nd child in September. Katie and her husband Evan both attended St Thomas School, became high school sweethearts and later married at Notre Dame Church. They have been blessed with a newborn and look forward to getting Gunther baptized into the church soon and later have him attend St. Thomas school. Mark and Lori’s youngest son Peter is currently living in Florida, working at Legoland Theme Park as a professional water skier/athlete. He still keeps in contact with lifelong friends from St. Thomas School and attends mass on Sunday’s at St. Matthews. Mark and Lori couldn’t ask for anything more as God has blessed them with more than they could have dreamed of. “A Happy Family is but an earlier Heaven”. Love for your Grand Children is unexplainable. They are proud to call Sanford their home and love giving back to the community. You will see the entire family water skiing on #1 Pond very soon!

The Knights of Columbus proudly presents the Family of the Month for March, the Hagherty family, a family united in living their faith together. We are blessed to have them in our parish!

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