Farewell Mass and Party for Fr. Daniel Greenleaf. 15791
Farewell Mass and Party for Fr. Daniel Greenleaf. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Nineteen council brothers along with family members stepped up in support of Fr. Daniels “Farewell Mass and Party” at Holy Martyr’s Church on Saturday June 29, 2019. As for the knights participation it started off by one of our council members who volunteered to to price and order a new Stole for Fr. Daniel once the council approved this purchased. Working alongside Fr. Daniel for his seven years with our Parish has been a privilege and a pleasurable experience. Fr. Daniel not only had a great pastoral side, but he was a good manager. He was an inspirational leader whose gifts of vision and persistence have pushed all who have supported him to reach for excellence, and to be creative servants and leaders for the common good of our parish. “He has often said that we should never squander the trust and generosity of our parishioners.” One of the many things Fr. Daniel was known for is bringing people together. That was certainly the case when the Knights of Columbus Council #15791 was formed within our Parish. As a charter member, Fr. Daniel was instrumental in bringing a small group of men together to form Council #15791. Without the leadership and guidance from Fr. Daniel, our Council would not be where we are now. Since our formation five years ago, he has worked with us on programs ranging from meals, events, scholarship programs to (most recently) our Faith in Action programs. As part of the Farewell Celebration Council#15791 presented Fr. Daniel a Stole for his seven years of service with our parish. We, the officers and membership of the Knights of Columbus Council #15791, wish Fr. Daniel the best in his new assignment, and in the years to come.
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