Council: 13861 - SANFORD
Project Description:
St. Thomas Council presents February Knight of the Month to Brother John Chandonnet who has been a Knight for over ten years. John has been the council’s Worthy Recorder for the past four years. John previously served our council as our Grand Knight for three terms. John as performs many “behind the scenes” tasks. He orders name badges, takes attendance at all our meetings, and maintains a data base (excel) of all Surge hours which he submits to the Financial Secretary at the end of the year. John submits articles, updates and minutes to our web page. John serves on our Family of the Month committee where he interviews the nominated family and completes the write up. He prints the certificate and makes the presentations in Holy Family Church before Sunday Mass. John also serves on the Knight of the Month committee in the same fashion. John is our Community Program Director tending to our Essay Contest and Poster Programs
John also is active in our parish as a Lector, Altar Server, and Eucharistic Minister. He also leads our Rosary service Saturdays before the 4:00pm mass.
Despite maintaining a full time job (with a 75 minute commute) is also active in our Haddock Dinners, Children’s Christmas Party, as well as working at the Sanford Mainers concession stand.
We congratulate John for all he does for our Parish, Community, and Council!
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