Feeding the Homeless
Feeding the Homeless
Council: 114 - BANGOR
Project Description:
Pine Cone Council 114, on the 4th Thursday of each month prepares and serves a meal for the homeless and less fortunate at the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen in Bangor.
Our traditional meal is Shepard’s Pie or meatloaf being served on these Thursdays. They’re also rolls, butter, milk, water, coffee and desserts served.
The Knights set-up, prepare, serve, and cleanup after every meal event. Every Knight and at times wives who participate enjoy this ministry. This year on occasion the council has been asked to fill in to assist with additional meals during the month, so we do our BEST to fulfill this ministry.
Our Brothers, usually the same six put on this meal month after month; I’ve been in the Council 18 years, and we have done this long before I arrived. What a heart warming experience to know that we the Knights have this long standing tradition to assist in feeding the hungry of the Bangor area. Great service by some really noteworthy committed brother Knights.
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