Feeding the Homeless – Thanksgiving

Feeding the Homeless - Thanksgiving


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

The Salvation Army Director reached out to Brother Jimmy Landers and asked if the Knights might be able to help with some Turkey for the Thanksgiving Meal at the Salvation Army Food Kitchen. The Knights voted on purchasing four Turkeys, it was unanimously passed and a Brother Knight Jeff Schaller stated he would do the shopping and dropping off the turkeys to the Salvation Army.

Brother Knight Schaller’s wife was shopping at the Bangor National Guard Base Commissary and saw that they had on sale Turkeys, she contact the Grand Knight and asked idf she should purchase some for the Salvation Army, and she did so, and here’s her text message to the GK: “Hi Keith. I just delivered nearly 73 lb of turkeys to the Salvation Army. I told them they were being donated through the Knights of Columbus. I grabbed they largest ones they had!”

What a great family and couple these two make, working together to make a difference in those less fortunate, tremendous christian values and examples.

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