Fifth Annual Family Donation to The ABBA Center. 15791
Fifth Annual Family Donation to The ABBA Center. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
One of our council brothers, his wife and staff members participated in a gift presentation at the ABBA Center in Portland on 9 September, 2020. It has been a tradition for this council brother and his family to make a yearly donation of baby items, and cash to the Center. As Christians, and Secular Franciscans they are taught to share their treasurer’s with those in need, while supporting the Pro-Life Program, which the ABBA Center has been doing for many years. Large or small, any gift will help the babies and mothers who rely on the ABBA Center’s help, and programs which they offer to the child, Mother or Father. This year they purchased $50.00 worth of diapers, and bath items for the baby, and presented them with a $50.00 check to use to help out the mother. This council brother and his wife feel that every small gift helps, those in need, epically the baby, and mother or father. Be a PRO-LIFE believer.
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