Fifth Annual Tootsie Roll Campaign 2017. 15791

Fifth Annual Tootsie Roll Campaign 2017. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

This year 27 council brothers,17 wives and children, and 2 Parish Office staff helped us in preparing and conducting our Fifth Annual Tootsie Roll Campaign for the Intellectually Disabled. Our collections this year were conducted as in the pass at all worship sites and the Yarmouth Clam Festival, during the weekend of July 20,21 and 22, 2018. We are very pleased with the generosity of all this year, as we report that we collected $ 2,180.01. This is $628.35 more than we collected during 2017. The total revenue taken in during the last five years amounts to $8,197.68. Instead of dealing with rain or very warm temperatures we delt with beautiful Summer weather in Maine. We were fortunate that all who needed to be working in the sun kept hydrated and there were no problems. This year we also had several additional wives and children who helped us with the campaign, and all enjoyed themselves very much. This year we have taken in a record number of donations thanks in part to the generosity of all who donated. This is by far a most worthy cause for us as Knights of Columbus. I salute all the other volunteers who worked on this event. It is truly an honor to know how hard all worked to get the results we did to support the Intellectually Disabled. The amount you raised will go a long way to help the Disabled person. We appreciated all the hands of help, and the cool drinks. Job WELL done. Fr. Michael J. McGivney would have been proud to see the knights of this council, and their family members, hard at work in support of the Intellectually Disabled. With the Lords help this weekend was possible, and a total success. Praise Be To GOD.

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