First Annual Pancake Breakfast Fund Raiser. 15791
First Annual Pancake Breakfast Fund Raiser. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Eleven council brothers, two wives, and parishioners participated in our First Annual Pancake Breakfast Fund Raiser. Location of this fund raiser was Holy Martyr’s Church Hall on Sunday March 10, 2019. During our January Council Meeting it was decided to have a Pancake Breakfast this year. This was our first ever Pancake Breakfast Fund Raiser, and it was a total success. On Friday balloons were blown up and assembled by one of our parishioners from Sacred Heart Church in Yarmouth. On Saturday the hall was set-up, tables decorated in preparation for Sunday. Thanks to the wives of knights who did the decorating. On Sunday the volunteers from our council started arriving early to start preparing the food. The menu consisted of Blueberry Pancakes, sausage, and assorted breads and desserts were there for those who wished to participate in the breakfast. As stated above we had great support from our council from 11 members and 2 wives. The reason for this brunch was to promote fellowship between our knights families, and the non-knight parish families. In taking a survey of the attendees from both the 8:30 AM Mass and the 10:30 AM Mass the food was very delicious. We also ran a 50/50 during this Brunch. Our of our Council Guards was in charge of the 50/50. We didn’t charge a fee for this brunch, it was all by donation. We were pleased to have our District Deputy in attendance today, along with Fr. Paul Marquis. Also attending today was a visiting Priest Fr. Steven Bell, who will be conducting our 3 day Retreat starting tomorrow. Our Financial Secretary reported we took in $307.00 to help with our yearly Charities. We look forward to council sponsored Brunch or Breakfast at Holy Martyr’s Church Hall. This is what being a Knight of Columbus is all about, supporting Charity, and being United. Our heartfelt thanks to the Office Staff for their help with the advertising, and to our Pastor Fr. Daniel Greenleaf for allowing us to use the hall this day for this Blessed meal. GOD is good.
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