first degree
first degree
Council: 2625 - DEXTER
Project Description:
on may 23, 2018 the dexter knights of Columbus put on the first degree for 6 new candidates. dexter had 4 candidates and dover foxcroft had 2 candidates. we put the degree on by use of the video and our own special supplement parts as suggegested by supreme, our districet dep. jon jozefowicz and state treasurer john deetjen were in attendance. after the degree we had a social gathering with refreshments the degree went smoothly and our council will do their own first degree again in the future as needed.
On May 23 the dexter council 2625 hosted a first degree for 6 new candidates. There were 4 from dexter and 2 from the dover foxcroft council . The first degree video was used along with suggested parts done by our local members. The video was excellent and our council will use the video again in the future when we have new prospective members. we had about 25 brothers present including both Grand Knights, Financial Sec., district dep.,
Jon Jozefowicz and state treasurer, John Deetjen. The degree was followed by a social gathering and refresments.
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