Fourth Annual Baby Bottle Drive for Pro-Life. 2018 15791

Fourth Annual Baby Bottle Drive for Pro-Life. 2018 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Twenty Seven council brothers, and Parish Office Staff participated in our council’s Fourth Annual Baby Bottle Drive for the ABBA Center in Portland at all Worship Sites during November 16-29, 2018. This year was a busy time during our 2018 drive. In sorting out this years donations we were pleased to have had one family give us a check for $100.00 which we were instructed to use for the Ultra-Sound Program going on at the Open Arms Pregnancy Center in Augusta. ABBA receives calls and visits every day from women and men experiencing an unplanned pregnancy or crisis pregnancy. There mission is to counsel these individuals and help them think through their situation to make the best possible choice for their bodies, their unborn child and their future. As a Christian ministry, they endeavor to serve the the Greater Portland/Cumberland County community with Christ-like compassion as they support the clients who come to them. During the weekend of November 18 & 19, 2018 the people who signed up and received Baby Bottles during the weekend of October 27 & 28, 2018 brought them back to their respective Worship sites. With our Fourth Annual Event complete we collected $ 2,209.50 for this great cause. Our grand total along with the donation of $100.00 for the Ultra-Sound Machine was $2,309.50. Because we have a few more bottles still out, we anticipate the total amount turned into ABBA may be a little higher then posted above. On Tuesday November 29th, 2018, myself and our Baby Bottle Team Leader presented the check to the director of the ABBA Center. During our four years of working with this program we have raised a total of $ 10,367.80. Many Thanks goes out to our Priest’s, our Deacon, and Brothers of our Council, and lastly our Parishioners for their help and caring gifts. United with our Worthy Pro-Life Group this council has once again reached out to the needy with the Lords help. God is truly good… We look forward to our Fifth Annual Drive in 2019.

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