Free Suppers
Free Suppers
Council: 320 - JAY
Project Description:
During the pandemic free suppers were provided by St Rose parish Social Ministry on a weekly basis. After relief came from the pandemic it was decided that we should go back to the monthly free suppers that the Knights of Columbus of Council 320 had been providing for many years. The decision was made to provide 2 free suppers per month with 4 groups putting on the meals. The 4 groups would be the Knights of Columbus, the Food Bank, the St Rose Men’s Group and the Daughters of Isabella. The Knights were assigned the 1st Saturday of every other month and the rest of the groups in rotation. The first supper for the Knights came on April 2nd. It was decided that the meals should be both eat in and take out to allow people to transition back into community sit down meals at their own pace. The Knights provided the meals on June 4th, August 6th, October 1st, December 3rd and February 4th. We provided beef stew, chicken stew, meat loaf, soup salad & sandwich, smothered beef and chicken-a-la-king for the 6 meals. 532 free meals were provided at these 6 suppers. For the last 4 suppers the Knights went back to using sponsors from the local business community as a way to get more of the community involved. We had great success with this effort pre-pandemic and wanted to get back to that practice for the suppers we provided. With the sponsors and generosity of patrons who donate to the suppers there is always a net positive for funds to the supper. We are starting to see more people choosing to sit down for the meal, but still have a higher percentage of take out meals. This has been very successful again in providing nutritious meals to the needy in our community. The other three groups are enjoying a similar degree of success.
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