Fundraiser in Support of Eagle Scout Project

Fundraiser in Support of Eagle Scout Project


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

Early on in the process a young Boy Scout contacted the Bangor Knights of Columbus and sent the following email himself, seeking support for his efforts in making our Parish a bit better.
I am currently working on a Eagle project for the parish, it will be a outdoor common area for the Youth ministry at St. Joseph’s church. For the project the plan is to first level the ground and then filled it with gravel. After the ground is all level the plan is to make benches and a fire pit to then be placed there for the use of the Youth ministry.
Currently I am raising funds for the project and was hoping to get help from the knights of Columbus to potentially help host a parish dinner. As of now I have already raised $600 dollars in funds and still need around $2000 more for the project.
The things I want help with is help with setting up the event/meal. Along with advertisement of some kind as to get the word out about said the event. Then lastly have some people to help out with the actual dinner. Thank you,

On August 27th two Knights purchased all the necessary items to put on a Bean Supper, that evening the beans were inspected to ensure no rocks were in the beans, and then the beans were placed in pots of water to soak over night. The Boy Scouts sold tickets for the supper, in all 127 pre-sold tickets were purchased, it was decide to make beans for 150 servings. On the 28th, a canopy was set-up in the parking lot of the church, tables were placed under the canopy and the Scouts handed out the bean suppers to the ticket holders. In side the church, the Knights worked feverishly to make up the 150 to go meals, was fun and exciting, all the time wearing protective masks and sanitizing hands. This event took quite a lot of effort on the part of the Knights, even thought this was to be a set down supper, we had top change gears in light of the increases in active Covid cases.
The Knights helped in raising over $1,500.00 in money to be used directly towards this young mans Vision of a Fire Ring with Bench Seats. Great Project.

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