Game Meat for Food Pantry
Game Meat for Food Pantry
Council: 680 - MILLINOCKET
Project Description:
One of our Brother Knights is a licensed butcher who provides butchering services for local sportsmen and the Maine Warden Service. He and his son, also a member of Council 680, had butchered 2 illegally harvested moose for the Maine Warden Service and held both in storage while the summoned sportsmen awaited trial for their crimes. The meat was evidence of the illegal activity so it was to held until after the trial in case the courts requested the evidence to be presented. In these cases, the evidence was never requested so the Maine Warden Service was free to do whatever they wanted with the evidence. As a thank you for taking the time to butcher the animals and hold the meat in storage at his expense, the Warden Service chose to offer the meat to our Brother Knight. He readily accepted and then immediately contacted the St. Martin of Tours Food Pantry to inquire if they would accept the meat as a donation to the Food Pantry. They willingly and enthusiastically accepted the donation. The Brother Knight bought the frozen meat to the Food Pantry to place in their freezer for distribution to the needy families of our
community. Rather than keep the meat for himself to feed his family, our Brother Knight chose instead to offer it to those less fortunate in keeping with the Supreme initiative of Leave No Neighbor Behind. A total of 600 pounds of meat was donated.
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