Gathering In Support of A Sister Franciscan. 15791

Gathering In Support of A Sister Franciscan. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

I and five other Council Brothers supported our latest candidate who was installed as a “Professed Secular Franciscan during the 8:30 AM Mass on Sunday 11 July,2021 at Saint Gregory’s Church in Gray. Also in attendance was the candidates Family, brothers and Sisters of our Fraternity, and Parishioner’s. Knights helped in the set-up and take-down following the ceremony. As Knights of Columbus of Council 15791 we also served as greeters. This was a Blessed day not only for the Newly Professed Member, but for all present who joined us in this beautiful ceremony. The ceremony was conducted by four members of the fraternity, our church priest, and resident deacon. As a Council 15791 member, and Secular Franciscan myself, I felt Very Blessed in being part of the Mass, and the Profession. The Holy Spirit was definitely within Saint Gregory’s today. GOD is Truly Good.

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