Good Friday Veneration of the Cross. 15791
Good Friday Veneration of the Cross. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Six council brothers and their family members including our Deacon participated in this years Good Friday Mass and Veneration of the Cross at Saint Gregory’s Church on Friday April 19, 2019. The cross was presented to each of the faithful parishioners individually for their adoration since the personal adoration of the cross is a most important feature in this celebration. During the veneration of the cross a hymn was sung, so that the history of salvation be commemorated through song. To me this was a most moving time during the Mass. Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. As always our clergy presiding over the Good Friday Mass did an excellent job. We now turn to the Easter Vigil on Saturday, and “THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD” on Sunday EASTER.
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