Haddock Dinner to support K of C charities

Haddock Dinner to support K of C charities


Council: 10020 - No. WINDHAM

Project Description:

Our Knights Council is frequently asked to support parish activities through out the year. Often, these activities are not budgeted. This year was no exception. Our Council made donations to support various youth activities (youth summer volunteering in Boston performing habitat for humanity activities; Totus Tuus summer faith camp; meals for you faith formation), Family Promise meals, parish furnace repairs, etc. This fund raising effort raised over $500 to support these causes.

The work for this event began a months before the actual event with several Brother Knights taking the lead on publicity – sending announcements to local papers, posting the event on the parish sign, printing and stuffing flyers into the parish bulletin, announcing the event at masses, and personally encouraging parishioners to attend post mass on the day of the event. Another Brother Knight took the lead to obtain and purchase the haddock from the Harbor Fish Market. Another Brother Knight took the lead to obtain the remaining food and supplies needed for the event.

On the morning of the event, August 24, 2019, nine Brother Knights and two spouses arrived early to prepare for the event – setting up the parish hall, moving the movable walls, putting up the tables and chairs, setting out the table cloths, centerpieces, place mats, napkins, salt/pepper, pre-washing the knives/forks/spoons and plates, and setting up the coffee urns and punch/water jugs. After Knights rinsed the fish, two spouses cut, weighed, and prepped the fish with spices, butter, and breading. Brother knights peeled and cut both potatoes and carrots. In the afternoon, eleven Knights and several spouses arrived to finish cooking and setting out the longs tables of deserts. The meal consisted of fresh baked haddock, mashed potatoes, carrots, rolls, butter, coleslaw, coffee/tea/punch, and over 140 individual desert servings. A pizza alternative was also available for those who do not like haddock. Over 100 meals were served. A 50/50 raffle raised some additional money for the cause. After the event, the same Brother Knights and family members washed the dishes, cleanup up the tables, put away the tables and chairs, and put the parish hall back into its standard setup.

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