Haddock Dinner to support Maine right to Life

Haddock Dinner to support Maine right to Life


Council: 10020 - No. WINDHAM

Project Description:

Maine Right To Life was founded to protect and uphold the dignity and worth of each human life from conception to natural death. They seek
to uphold the inviolable sanctity of human life by making abortion, infanticide, doctor prescribed suicide, and euthanasia socially, ethically, and legally unacceptable and to actively promote positive alternatives. This Council fundraiser on May 4, 2019 was to support the Maine Right to Life efforts.

Work on this event began a month before, with several Brother Knights taking lead on publicity – sending announcements to local papers about the event, posting the event on the parish sign, printing and stuffing flyers into the parish bulletin, announcing the event at masses, and encouraging parishioners to attend post mass on the day of the event. One Brother Knight took the lead to order the fresh haddock from Port Harbor Fish Market. Another Brother Knight took the lead on purchasing the remaining food and supplies.

On the morning of the event, eight Brother Knights and three spouses began the preparations. Brothers opened up the parish hall, moving the movable walls, setting up tables and chairs, putting out table cloths, place mats, centerpieces, napkins, pre-washing all knives/forks/spoons and plates. Other Brothers peeled the potatoes, made coleslaw, prepped the fish, and peeled carrots. Spouses cut and weighed the fish, adding spices, butter, and breading. In the early afternoon, twelve knights and ten other family members cooked and then served the dinner which included backed haddock, mashed potatoes, carrots, coleslaw, rolls, butter, coffee/tea/punch and a long table of homemade desserts. Pizza was also available for those who do not like fish. Over 120 dinners were served. A representative from Maine Right to Life was present to talk about their services. A 50/50 raffle raised over $100. After expenses, a donation of $481 was made to Maine right to Life. After the meal, same Brother Knights and family members help wash dishes, take down tables and chairs, and reset the parish hall for Faith Formation activities.

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