Hands Around The Capitol for Pro-Life. 15791

Hands Around The Capitol for Pro-Life. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Two council brothers and family members traveled to Augusta for the 2018 “Hands Around The Capitol” event on Saturday January 12, 2019. The day was sunny, but the temperature was very cold. The event marks the 46th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. Supporters and politicians, and Knights of Columbus alike, gathered in Augusta on Saturday for a “Rally for Life.” We walked as a group to the state house denouncing the Roe v. Wade decision that happened over forty years ago. This is our third year we have attended and it seemed as if the attendance this year was a little larger. These gatherings are in support of those children who have never had a voice or chance to enjoy Life and all it has to offer. We were told by one of the speakers that we represent 61 million children who have been taken by abortion in our nation. The rally and march was organized once again this year by the Maine Right to Life Committee. We we’re told It was founded to protect and uphold the dignity and worth of every human life from conception to natural death. As part of the day, an event was held at St. Michael School to listen to different speakers and guests. Many also walked to the State House where a silent protest was held and the capitol bell rung 46 times, once for each year that has passed since Roe v. Wade ruling. It was a very moving day for all, and we look forward to doing it again in 2020.

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