Help Hands – Working At A Food Pantry

Help Hands - Working At A Food Pantry


Council: 10020 - No. WINDHAM

Project Description:

Every Monday morning four to six Brother Knights and their families gather at the Windham Food Pantry to assist with the weekly distribution of donated food to individuals and families in need. The Brothers meet at 7AM to be ready when the doors open at 9:30AM. They work together with the Food Bank Director (who is a member of Council 2219) to sort and stock incoming food from local supermarkets and personal donations. They check expiration dates and the condition of the food to ensure it is safe for distribution. They work along side other volunteers when people arrive although often times our Brothers are the only people in attendance. Food is sort and divided up into manageable packages so that the donations can be maximized. When the doors open the Brothers great each person, many known by name, treat each person arriving with great dignity and respect, assist them with making selections and help carry the food and supplies to their vehicle. After the Food Pantry closes the Brother help the Director with clean up and inventory.

The Brothers conduct this activity to fulfill the Charitable Work of Mercy – Feed the Hungry. This is the 6th year that Brothers of this Council have participated in help at the Food Pantry.

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