Help Remove Snow for a Senior Residient. 15791

Help Remove Snow for a Senior Residient. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

One of our council brothers along with a parishioner answered the call for help by removing heavy wet snow from the stairs,walk ways and off their car at a Saint Gregory’s parishioners home on Wednesday November 28, 2018. In order for this parishioner to get to an early morning appointment a call was made for help. Once we arrived there we worked together to clean his walk way, stairs, and car of heavy wet snow, and then put sand down. He and his wife have already taken a couple of falls this year, so helping them out in their time of need was very much needed. We were very surprised when one of their neighbors stopped by with his plow and moved the snow in his driveway. United as parishioners, and brothers in Christ the job was done in no time.

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