Helping a Brother move Residences

Helping a Brother move Residences


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

Brother Bill Siemerling contacted the Council in hopes he could receive some help in moving from his current home in Bangor, to his new home in Dover Foxscroft. The council banned together five additional Knights plus Bill and his entire family to make the move on May 31st. Bill rented the largest u-haul truck and we all arrived at his home at 9 AM. After getting a tour of what needed to be moved, each of us gave 200% of our energy to make this huge move a reality. Bill has five children, they have a lot of stuff. The haul was filled to the top and to the back door, we stopped to eat lunch provided by Bill and his family. Mom made fresh baked desserts for everyone…..

Then we departed for the trip to the new residence, and to off load everything. It was decided that we would take all the furniture to each of the correct rooms, this new home was huge, with many stairscases. Unloading was a huge job, but we made it happen, and yes we were beat when we completed the task.

On the way home we spotted a dairy freeze, and we stopped and had a cone of ice cream, which went a long way in refreshing each of us.

This was a very large job, maybe a bit much for some of us retired guys, but we finished the job and the family could not have been more appreciative.

Great JOB Brother Knights.

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