Helping a pregnant lady in need

Helping a pregnant lady in need


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

The Knights were contacted by Kelli with SVdP we had an odd request come in that Monsignor asked me to look into. Basically there’s a young woman who is pregnant and trying to get to a Catholic home for pregnant women in Fryeburg. The wrinkle seems to be that her car is on the fritz. Best I can tell what the house mother in Fryeburg is asking us to do is see if we have anyone who is decent with cars who could take a look – the young woman seems to believe the starter needs replacing. This is a bit of a long shot, and I’m not sure I could finagle the repair on such short notice anyway (she’s being asked to leave her housing by 3 pm tomm), but I did tell them I’d try to see if we had anyone car savvy that could at least get us some more info. Any chance you know of anyone I might speak with?
Two Knights responded to the call for assistance, first picking up a $25.00 voucher from the Parish Office to help with gas money, then off to the location of the vehicle, when we arrived at the school parking lot, there were two young men replacing a battery terminal that was suspected to be the faulty part. After a short discussion, it was fairly clear that these two men were going to see that the lady in need was going to be helped by the two men, therefore we gave our warm regards and provided the Gas Voucher and a $20.00 bill to help her reach her destination.

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