Helping a Senior Couple in Their Time of Need During Covid-19. 15791

Helping a Senior Couple in Their Time of Need During Covid-19. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

I transported a local couple to the former Scarborough Downs racetrack on 8 February, 2021. During the Covid-19 virus I have worked with a number of the senior’s here in our community. On Sunday I received a call from a couple that was looking for transportation to the former Scarborough Downs racetrack so they could receive their first Covid-19 shots. Many times we as Knights of Columbus are asked to help those in Need. Its’ job one in my book to reach out and help the Needy as often as I possibly can. GOD watched over us as I transported this couple to receive their shots. It’s time like this that make me proud to be a Knight of Columbus.

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