Helping Hands
Helping Hands
Council: 12652 - LEWISTON
Project Description:
On or about the 8th of August 2020, I received a phone call from one of my uncles, Leo Ouellette, who is a member of Council 10019 which is Holy Family Council in Lewiston, Me. Leo wanted to know who was K of C insurance agent working our area, I informed him that it was William ( Bill ) Weiss, however I didn’t have Bill’s number, however I did provide Leo with the number to the office of the General Agent Greg White, although Leo has a slight hearing problem, and tends to mix some things up like phone numbers, as District Deputy I felt that it was my duty to assist in any manner that I can, so I offered to contact the General Agent Greg White for him, Leo was pleased with the suggestion. Once I completed with Leo, I then contacted Brother Greg, passed on the info and asked if he would contact Bill and have him contact Leo.
Approximately 3 weeks later on the 29th of August I did a follow up call with my uncle Leo and asked if he had heard from Bill Wiess, Leo said no he hadn’t as far as he knew, although he that he might have received a voicemail from Bill, but he didn’t know how to retrieve a voicemail on his phone, so I went to Leo’s house at 96 Rosedale St, Lewiston, Me. and showed him how to work the phone. Once I show him how to retrieve his messages and a couple of other things, he was pleased, and since he hadn’t heard from Bill, Since I had manage to update my contact list on my phone, I called Bill Weiss directly, passed the phone to Leo so he and Bill were able to make the arrangements to get together.
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