Helping Hands/furniture sale for St. Thomas School

Helping Hands/furniture sale for St. Thomas School


Council: 13861 - SANFORD

Project Description:

Realizing St. Thomas School has fallen on financial challenges due to the many changing COVID-19 protocols, social distancing, and PPE requirements; several difficult budgeting decisions were needed, programs were in danger of being eliminated.
Our council, St. Thomas wanted to help in any way possible. Earlier we held a meat raffle, donating $6000 to the school.
On June, fifteen Brother Knights and six additional volunteers held a liquidation sale of the furnishings of the now vacant convent located at 13 St. Ignatius St., in Sanford. We initially contacted the “York County Shelter” in Alfred, but they declined. One of our Brother Knights put an advertisement on Craigslist and FB Marketplace with a sale date of June 12th.
On June 5th ten Brother Knights and two additional volunteers helped move all the furniture down from the second and third floors staging all the beds (12) in one room, the Dressers (12) in a second room, and desks and chairs (10) in a third room. We also consolidated all lamps (17) assorted linens, and framed wall art.
The fantastic turnout was due largely to those two adds. Calls continue to come in for different items.
Over the next three weeks we sold all the desks, chairs, beds, dressers, and two large hutches.
On July 14th, our council presented a check for $3978 to Mrs. Rice, the principal of St. Thomas school bringing the total raised and donated this year to St. Thomas to $9978.

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