Helping The Community of the Resurrection

Helping The Community of the Resurrection


Council: 10020 - No. WINDHAM

Project Description:

Normally during the season of Lent, our Council conducts public haddock dinners to support various causes. In February the profits from our dinners go to assist the Sisters at the Community of the Resurrection.

Because of the pandemic we were unable to hold out monthly dinners, each of which is targeted to a specific cause.

The Community of the Resurrection is a group of Sister, organized under the Dominican Order, conducting a contemplative and apostolic ministry, Because of illness, the age of the sisters and the small number now involved they have been unable to conduct the activities they previously have done to be self sustaining.

At our February 1, 2021 Business Meeting all 16 Brothers present voted to approve unanimously a donation of $500.00 to the Community of the Resurrection.

Blessed Michael McGiveny saw to it that those in need did not go without, our Council seeking to following his spirit by making sure the good Sisters do not go without.

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