Helping the Needy In Our Parish During this Covid-19 Virus. 15791

Helping the Needy In Our Parish During this Covid-19 Virus. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Several council officers worked together in their Private Homes and Parish Office between May 15 and 21, 2020. Recently our Council Program Director was informed by the Parish Office that because of the Covid-19 Virus the Parish Needy Fund Account was being used for many people due to the virus. After our Council Program Director learned of this, he reached out to several of the council officers and presented a motion to them, about making a donation to the Parish Needy Fund during these trying times. Yesterday our council Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight decided to donate on behalf of our council $200.00 to help support this program. GOD is truly good in allowing our council to be able to support this worthy cause.

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