Holy Hour of Adoration. 15791

Holy Hour of Adoration. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Nine Council Brothers have taken time on either Monday morning or Friday morning to attend the Adoration at Holy Martyr’s church or Saint Gregory’s Church once a week. For me this is very important. I find that with this Prayer and quiet time in place in my weekly schedule, it allows me to be more thankful for life, and what the Lord gives me each day. It also gives me time to meditate on my life in the past, and how much I really miss my parents, and appreciate all which they have done for me. To me Prayer with God and one another is a very Blessed time. We as Christians, and Brothers in the Knights need to keep energized with the Holy Spirit. We are in hopes to have more brothers and more Parishioners join us during the coming year. United with one another, and the Holy Spirit these brothers continue to show God their thanks and Love within this Adoration Service. Thank you God for allowing this to be possible for these Brothers and all the Faithful who attend.

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