Holy Hour Prayer Services

Holy Hour Prayer Services


Council: 13181 - SABATTUS

Project Description:

Father Johnathan Sacreties proposed hosting Holy Hour Prayer Services during the summer of 2020. Initially, there were to be individual prayer services held each month at each of the churches within the Prince of Peace Parish, but early into the program, it appeared that due to the pandemic the numbers wouldn’t support that many prayer services each month. As an alternative, working with each of the Councils in our Parish, he decided that we would offer one Holy Hour each month, but that we would rotate the venue through each of the churches. Also, initially the Holy Hour prayer services would be for Knights and their families because we wanted to make sure we could accommodate all of those who showed up under the pandemic restrictions.

The Edward C. O’Leary Council #13181 has hosted Holy Hour Prayer Services three times at Our Lady of the Rosary since the inception of this progaram. The attendance has been fair (we always hope we will have more), but steady. Typically at least three Knights and their spouses show up with more members of the commuity and Knights and spouses from other churches.

This has been and continues to be an excellent way to bring us closer together spiritually as we deal with the challenges of daily life during the pandemic. We will continue to work for its continued success through the pandemic and beyond.

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