Humanitarian Act of Kindness

Humanitarian Act of Kindness


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

Fr. Frank Murray contacted the Knights to see if some relief could be obtained in helping a lady living off the grid sort a speak. The lady had water leaking through her front door all winter causing the floor to rot, she has no running water in the trailer, and her furnace is no longer working. The lady heats her trailer by a wood stove, in one side of her trailer she stores her wood as well as in a shed out back of her home.

Two brother Knights contacted the lady, a previous Nun, her Convent closed and she was without a home. Father was trying to help her in some way.
Upon finding the home, meeting the lady, it was evident that we, the knights needed to act fast in helping this lady.

The Parish financed the purchase of one door with frame, and two Storm Doors, some replacement flooring materials. The Knights voted to help out this person as best they could, several trips to the residence to make repairs happened from April through November 2019, which included the work of: Replacing the entire door, door frame, inside hallway floor and flooring, a storm door, and in the back door, new door knob, locks, and a storm door, later on a Canopy was constructed and attached on the entrance door to keep ice and water from accessing the door area, thus preventing future rotting.

In addition, the patio deck which lies in from of the house and immediately in from of the entrance, was very unstable and needs new timbers, once again the parish sprung for the materials. Holes were dug deep, cement tiles were laid, and cement 4X4 supports were placed under the 4×4’s to help with preserving the materials from water and weather. This repair shall help with spring thaw and reduce the movement of the deck hopefully in the future. This was a tremendous under taking, and it should be noted just how much Brother Jim Larson did to care for this person in need.

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