“Irish Picnic”

"Irish Picnic"


Council: 1423 - No. WHITEFIELD

Project Description:

“Back in the day”, i.e.: Pre-Covid, the members of Gov. Kavanagh Council 1423, would conduct several public suppers a year, not only for parishioners, but for the Whitefield-China-Windsor-Jefferson communities, as well. Then, while Covid, and its mandated shutdowns and quarantines curtailed such activities, the Diocese sold the St. Denis Church Hall, where alll the meals had been cooked, and served, and where the Council held it meetings and Ceremonials.
Despite these adversities and setbacks, the Council, with the strong support of its families, vowed to, like the Phoenix of mythology, “rise from the ashes.” Through the concerted efforts of a cadre of family members and parishioners, led by Milva Smith, Valerie Radonis, Kristi Lagasse, and Parishioner Diane Sawyer, with the full cooperation and support of Council 1423, a committee was formed to make this happen. POlans included the talents of an Irish musician and entertainer.
Equipment was obtained, food was purchased, publicity was sent out, and many, many Pulpit announcements were made. Sadly, the last installment of the YouTube video, “Monday Mornings with Father John,” was made just two days before our beloved Pastor, Fr. John Skehan, was untimely taken from us. His last video strongly encouraged the rest of the Parish (the other five Churched) to attend this event.
On the day of the picnic, the area behind and outside the old St. Denis Rectory was prepared. Tents were set up, tables and chairs positioned, the grill was set up, and desserts brought in. A popcorn machine was provided by Brother Peter Czerwinski, and his wife, Gina, the Parish Life Director. With everything set, we attended mass. Following Mass, we went outside and enjoyed a great period of fellowship. We were then joined by our fellow parishioners, from the other five Churches, as well as some local residents.
After a very successful event, came the arduous task of clean-up, which was accomplished with the help of many Knights, and family members.

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