K of C Parish Cookout for Council & Parish. 15791

K of C Parish Cookout for Council & Parish. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Council members, their wives and parishioners attended this year’s Parish Cookout and our Pastor’s teaching Mass which followed. Location was Saint Gregory Campground, Hall, and Church. The Cook-out took place on Saturday August 27 from 10 AM to 3 PM. The regular Saturday Mass and a Teaching Mass was conducted by Fr. Cartwright from 4 PM to 7 PM. 3 to 5 hours were spent, in the planning of this year’s Parish Cookout. Our Deputy Grand Knight and one of the Parish Staff members coordinated the planning, advertising, emails etc. We had 15 Knights show up between Saturday morning 9am to set-up tables – chairs – drinks, through to the noon start, setting up games for the kids, cooking burgers and hot dogs, running food between the kitchen and the grill, and then clean-up at 3pm when the picnic was over (break down everything, clean-up trash, clean the grill, put food away, etc. ). All toll there were between 100 and 150 people who attend the 4 PM Saturday Mass and a Teaching Mass. As for the cookout it was estimated to be 80 people came to have fun and enjoy some summer food and socializing plus the 15 Knights who helped out. The picnic was a great success, with lots of happy time for the kids and adults from the parish.

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