Knight of the Month. 15791
Knight of the Month. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Twenty Five council brothers participated in the April Council Business Meeting at Saint Jude’s Church Hall on Tuesday April 2, 2019. With Spring upon us we continue as a council in supporting our Grand Knight, and Pastor with their requests for help. Many items of business were discussed to include the presentation of the Knight of the Month Award to our Pastor Fr. Daniel Greenleaf. What a pleasure it has been as a young council in the state to serve under such a dynamic Priest. Fr. Daniel is not only our Pastor but also a Life Time member of the Knights of Columbus. We as a council and parish will be sad to see Fr. Daniel move to another Parish when his time comes. Meanwhile we will continue to support him and respect him for being a most Blessed servant of the Lord, and the Parishioners of the Parish of the Holy Eucharist.
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