Knight of the Month. 15791
Knight of the Month. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Twenty Three Council Brothers along with our Council Benefits Agent and District Deputy participated in February’s Council Business Meeting at Holy Martyr’s Church in our meeting room on Tuesday February 5, 2019. As part of this evenings meeting our Council Family Director presented Brother Steven Boulos the Knight of the Month Award for the month of January 2019. Brother Stephen is a very active member of our council. Since joining our Order and Council he has been very involved and active on the council Admission Degree Team, and also participates in many Church and Council programs. As we continue to move ahead during 2019 we are in hopes that Brother Steven will continue to help the Needy, our Pastor, and others in the Community, with the LORDS help and guidance. Building the Domestic Church starts here.
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